Dragon Ball Xenoverse – TGS 2014 Trailer
Dragon Ball Xenoverse – TGS 2014 Trailer
Dragon Ball Xenoverse is officially coming to PC/Steam!
New story details emerge in this trailer straight from the 2014 Tokyo Game Show!
Stay tuned to the official Dragon Ball Games Facebook page for more updates! https://www.facebook.com/DBZ.videogames
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October 11, 2018 @ 10:59 am
It would be awesome to have an original story mode than a separate one for your character where you fix the time but it looks like their focusing mostly on the past changing oh well. Still looks great!
October 11, 2018 @ 11:00 am
Wii U is a dead system with bad hardware
October 11, 2018 @ 11:00 am
Wii U though?
October 11, 2018 @ 11:04 am
This game look retarded.
October 11, 2018 @ 11:04 am
No, no, and no. Watch the extended tgs trailer and you will see what I mean.
October 11, 2018 @ 11:05 am
October 11, 2018 @ 11:09 am
….they are really running out of shit for DBZ. dont get me wrong im a huge fan of the series but this is crap.
October 11, 2018 @ 11:10 am
Get ready for the craziest mods ever made by community in this game
October 11, 2018 @ 11:10 am
Time to get that ps4 😉
October 11, 2018 @ 11:11 am
PLEASE!! ORIGINAL JAPANESE SOUNDTRACK!!! NO MORE STUPID AMERICAN GUITARS!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!! I really want a DB game with original music 🙁 … I have no DB game because of that
October 11, 2018 @ 11:12 am
October 11, 2018 @ 11:15 am
Save the history of Dragon Ball… from GT?
October 11, 2018 @ 11:15 am
what the hell is this shit…wheres my Dynasty Warriors Dragonball Z?
October 11, 2018 @ 11:19 am
I hope the PC version gets all the console features like local multiplayer
October 11, 2018 @ 11:21 am
lololololol "you will save history by changing it because you weren’t there originally"
October 11, 2018 @ 11:22 am
Thank you, Namco Bandai, for putting this game on Steam!
October 11, 2018 @ 11:23 am
As someone who played from Budokai 1 all the way to Burst Limit but stopped when they switched to pc I’m looking forward to another dbz game. I hope it’s as good as Budokai 3 / Tenkaichi 3 were back in the day.
October 11, 2018 @ 11:23 am
It is coming to steam!?!?! PC Master Race!!!
October 11, 2018 @ 11:24 am
Now release God Eater 2 Rage Burst
October 11, 2018 @ 11:24 am
I hope add ssj4 Gogeta 🙁
October 11, 2018 @ 11:29 am
October 11, 2018 @ 11:30 am
what’s the music starting at 0:30 ? is there a full version or is it just 30 seconds long?
October 11, 2018 @ 11:30 am
so this is ps4 gameplay/graphics
October 11, 2018 @ 11:33 am
i wish they give this series a rest.
October 11, 2018 @ 11:35 am
what’s the song in the background
October 11, 2018 @ 11:36 am
namco before you released the game changed worlds to english in the game even the voice actors
October 11, 2018 @ 11:37 am
The person standing behind Goku when he is on the floors looks like Hercule (clothes). IM CALLING IT IT’s HERCULE
October 11, 2018 @ 11:38 am
I think im gonna cry now :’)
October 11, 2018 @ 11:39 am
annnd cant wait to hear the dbz kai dub for this >.>…
October 11, 2018 @ 11:39 am
Just because GT is not an manga does not means that bandai, dragon ball’s creator should ignore, at least, is there is not a GT history, put goku ss4, vegeta ss4, one star dragon and gogeta that I would be happy.
It could be an dlc as well.
October 11, 2018 @ 11:40 am
October 11, 2018 @ 11:40 am
October 11, 2018 @ 11:41 am
This game is English dub as well dont be scare of the trailer they working with funimation
October 11, 2018 @ 11:43 am
Namco if your reading this please give us control of our characters height in xenoverse please
October 11, 2018 @ 11:45 am
the fuck? i wanna play goku and not some moron
October 11, 2018 @ 11:46 am
good times good times
October 11, 2018 @ 11:47 am
Is that character similar to the one in hero mode in Ultimate Tenkaichi?
October 11, 2018 @ 11:50 am
the time limit for super sayian in a bad idea what they can do is make your ki decress faster with each transformation and make you transform back once its complettlly gone and maybe put you in a weakened state if that happens also if they make us use ultimate slots for transformation or dont let us reach all the levels of the a super sayian as tge story progreses is a bad idea….I get it they are trying to make this a better fighting game but this is mainly a DBZ game thus the majoraty of the buyers will be dbz fans and if we cant transform in what form of super sayian we want when we wans (like in raging blast 2) a lot of us WILL BE PISSED. I hope someone official will see this and at least take it into acount
October 11, 2018 @ 11:51 am
First dbz game on pc.
October 11, 2018 @ 11:51 am
He looks like Gohan with red hair.
October 11, 2018 @ 11:52 am
Thumbs up if you got goosebumps at 0:45 ! *____*
October 11, 2018 @ 11:53 am
Best game ever fuck the stupid ass haters they can go fucking die
October 11, 2018 @ 11:53 am
i want it!!!
October 11, 2018 @ 11:53 am
pc yes kkkkkkk
October 11, 2018 @ 11:54 am
PC: Notice me Bandai-Sensei!!!
October 11, 2018 @ 11:56 am
not a huge fan of the dragonball series
but i really like the idea of fighting all the battles of the series and pretty much saving the franchise
October 11, 2018 @ 11:56 am
Can someone tell my why naruto games look so AMAZING graphicly.. and DBZ games always look pretty meh compared to them…
October 11, 2018 @ 11:56 am
Lol, this is fucking ridiculous. Only children could like such a thing.
October 11, 2018 @ 11:57 am
Really is this tiresome argument of Jap vs dub still going on? Elitists get over yourselves
October 11, 2018 @ 11:57 am
I hope this will be up to CyberConnect2 standards. They really pushed the boundaries of how a 3D anime style game can look and be animated.