Dragon Quest Builders 2 – Planning – Big Build & Recreation Tips!
Dragon Quest Builders 2 – Planning – Big Build & Recreation Tips!
* I just realised how jumpy the last few minutes of audio are. Sorry! I’m still trying to get a hold of editing stuff, I’ll make sure to make it a bit more palatable in the future!
Just a few tips from moving over to plan my big Kanto build! If people are interested I will go into more detail in the future. For now It’s just a couple of things I found to make it easier.
Tomorrow I’ll be putting out some videos for a dock!
If you have a build you’re proud of or need some advice on, please drop the ID in the comments and I’ll check it out! I’m happy to give any constructive criticism if you need it too. I really want to keep doing these videos, so if you enjoy them please let me know.
For more information about my Kanto build, different islands and my #MyStyleDQB2 event, please visit my discussion page!
I’m active in the DQB2 Reddit (TBDID) and a few Facebook groups, so if you have any question or want to see any particular videos please ask.
– You can visit my IoA with this ID – p6ZvJgEaXy
– My Kanto recreation is being moved to my IoA right now, it will be back shortly!
– I won’t be updating this island any further, but please come visit!
Visit my Switch Island – nqXpnZhosM
– I plan to start streaming DQB2 builds and my favourite upcoming games on Twitch!
Visit my Twitch – twitch.tv/humsmush
May 6, 2022 @ 2:09 pm
That building with the “buy/sell” sign reminds me of the town hall from Animal Crossing: New Leaf. I have now just started building things out of sand, the foundations of buildings etc. so it’s easier to tear down if I inevitably decide to do something different. Then I’ll switch out for more permanent blocks.