TokyoGirl Reviews: Death Note
TokyoGirl Reviews: Death Note
Death Note is owned by Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata, Studio Madhouse, and Viz Media.
This was suppose to come out in November, that’s why it says Halloween was last month.
October 7, 2019 @ 5:04 pm
lol you need to watch more anime , there are thrillers out there that make death note look like a 3 year old wrote it
October 7, 2019 @ 5:07 pm
Just think of what would happen should Haruhi Suzumiya if she ever picked up Ryuk’s Death Note.
October 7, 2019 @ 5:15 pm
if your talking thriller wise , monster , lain , parinoa agent , the count of monte cristo . perfect blue
thriller manga wise , monster , 20th century boys , pluto , ikigami , old boy , bloody monday … all shit on death note when it comes to being a thriller thats well written
if your talking must flat out excitment factor the list would be too long
drop by my anime channel if you want to find some new anime/manga
October 7, 2019 @ 5:23 pm
Great review and you kinda hit the nail on the head, first half of the series is great but it let down in the second part after the time skip because of Near and Mello.
I’m originally a fan of the manga and I do feel the manga can be more engaging with some better characterisation for Near and Mello but by no means does that mean the anime as a whole doesn’t do the story justice because it does, especially for the aspects you said like the art and music and the dub is very very good.
October 7, 2019 @ 5:30 pm
I love L.
October 7, 2019 @ 5:37 pm
not really i work a full time job and had a gf for 5 years so i dont have alot off spare time
tenma vs johan is far better the light and L , its on a totally diffrent complex level of cat and mouse
true there more realistic which would tend to give a series like death note the upper hand where its super natural and can add more elements to its story line , but there both better thrillers then death note
October 7, 2019 @ 5:47 pm
October 7, 2019 @ 5:59 pm
Death Note soon to become a classic or maybe it already is. Anyways I lol’d at the ending of the review. 🙂