Dragon Quest Builders – How to defeat all Bosses
Dragon Quest Builders – How to defeat all Bosses
Hey you! In this video I will show you how to defeat the Golem, the Hades Condor, the Magmalice, the Firn Fiend and the Dragonlord.
Here is a list on where to find the right part you’re looking for:
The Golem 0:20
Hades Condor 3:58
Magmalice & Firn Fiend 9:47
Dragonlord Form 1 13:48
Dragonlord Form 2 20:00
February 22, 2020 @ 6:36 am
Why you don’t use the king kling for the dragon lord?
February 22, 2020 @ 6:38 am
When are you uploading the next building tutorial? I like them really much and I need them to build own things. I’m not good in building houses or other things?
February 22, 2020 @ 6:40 am
… People actually fight the first Dragon Lord fight??? I just put a few cannons in the back of the room and spammed them….. His throne room was terribly messed up when I was done. XD
February 22, 2020 @ 6:41 am
Thank you, i finished all bosses but it can be useful for those who don’t finished all of them ^^
February 22, 2020 @ 6:42 am
Thanks, question…on the second part of the DL fight, saw the tower you made, is it possible to build a platform from up there and use the cannons to defeat him without getting on the ground where all the attacks hit? PS I malleted the evil idols and stuck them beside the thrones so when the shield went down he got toasted
February 22, 2020 @ 6:44 am
Where’s the Fallen Hero?
February 22, 2020 @ 6:49 am
When the golem is spinning I use the shield to block him instead of running away like you did.
February 22, 2020 @ 6:53 am
I just wish the building was more open (In story) and that the story was much more RPG with actual levels… I true mashup of Dragon Quest and the Minecraft building. (or Actraiser for us old folks)
February 22, 2020 @ 6:55 am
Smart move: when he is about to attack and you have a cannon on the ground, pick it up. You will be as powerful as heck
February 22, 2020 @ 7:00 am
How do you record a video of this game actually ? I mean a PS4 doesn’t have a camera…… Or does it ?
February 22, 2020 @ 7:00 am
I don’t like fight bosses (sorry, my english it’s ridiculous)
February 22, 2020 @ 7:02 am
So theres double jump boots in cantlin?? Where do i find those?
February 22, 2020 @ 7:03 am
Hey ben , i got questions for the 3rd boss?
February 22, 2020 @ 7:04 am
You :"you talk to much"
Me ; "you build to much"
February 22, 2020 @ 7:05 am
The Dragon Lord’s true form looks like Spyro the dragon ??
February 22, 2020 @ 7:06 am
You should stream DQB2 on a Twitch account if you have one!
February 22, 2020 @ 7:06 am
The temptation is agonizing.
February 22, 2020 @ 7:07 am
Why did you use the Steel Broadsword?
February 22, 2020 @ 7:07 am
These bosses are a lot of fun! Except Hades Condor. My first battle with the damn thing I had all my ballistas placed too high. Even though I eventually figured out the quickest way, I still hate that stupid bird! lol
February 22, 2020 @ 7:16 am
Omg Thats so cool
February 22, 2020 @ 7:16 am
Nice vid Ben! I really think you should fix up all of you towns so you can make a vid on them ?
February 22, 2020 @ 7:16 am
Every time I took a Medicinal Herb, I said, “Reggae man…” while pretending to be high AF
February 22, 2020 @ 7:18 am
So what happens if you say yes when the dragon lord asked you to join him??? I’m curious now I’m going to say yes when he asks me? ??? worst case I will have to do the hole game over again??
February 22, 2020 @ 7:25 am
Y does this video remind me of METY333
February 22, 2020 @ 7:25 am
the dragonlord looked alot cooler in my mind
description my mind threw together
a large humanoid dragon with large armour and a war axe
February 22, 2020 @ 7:25 am
How high did you make on the tower on bzttling the condor?
February 22, 2020 @ 7:26 am
Im kinda amazed, you didnt pull a spiderman and just quip at everything mid fighting when you didnt need to give instructions
February 22, 2020 @ 7:28 am
combat is so lacking in this game it makes me cry..the game wouold have been perfect if it had the combat system like breath of the wild
February 22, 2020 @ 7:29 am
Oh man you know about that tornado trick? You must be a legend of this game… also I love the bosses and how unique it is… except hades condor I had to kill my self so I set up position for the pew pew launchers also I just realized that the builders in both game uses both words yay and ya haa but it sounds so diffrent
February 22, 2020 @ 7:33 am
Hes not in the ground!!! Hes in the poison 😀
But it doesn’t affect him :C
Heres a tip on how to avoid getting hit while attacking hades condor get inside the bird and when they try to get in they can’t get to you
February 22, 2020 @ 7:33 am
Puns for every boss
Go-Lem you can do it go!
(he used it already the turkey)
Would you like a HAND there big guy
I did not see hou in How to train your dragon or have I or you can’t just be taimed