Grancrest War Episode 11 Review
Grancrest War Episode 11 Review
The 11th episode for Grancrest War is out and it is just the beginning.
Sorry it’s a few days late I was busy last Friday.
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September 21, 2019 @ 4:13 pm
I will not upload a video for episode 11.5. I just saw it and I don’t see the point in spending the time to make a review video about the first 11 episodes.
September 21, 2019 @ 4:34 pm
Thanks for the review and also for the Game of Thrones comment! I ripped out a loud, "YES" with my raised fists pumping the air. I’m trying to get my daughter who right now loves the Game of Thrones book and series to sample this show out. Just a personal comment from me though: I do not like the Black Princess or her "adopted" sister and personally hope that those two along with that jerk on Lord Villar’s throne get the full slow and painful death. I really was upset and angry at this episode but wow! So grateful for the writing and the art! Another thing had me thinking that we’ll start seeing new alliances made for Theo and Siluca, so in this case, they are going to become more of the focal point for things to turn around when the time is right and remain a thorn in the Alliance’s side.
You did a wonderful job in this review. I can hear the emotion in your voice for the characters. Keep up the good work! I shall look forward to your next one!