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  1. Michael Andreotti
    October 23, 2019 @ 10:57 pm

    Does anybody else feel like this would be a good finale for season 5?

  2. Marrf man
    October 23, 2019 @ 10:57 pm

    I wanna know if All for one can see midoriya’s dreams too

  3. Marrf man
    October 23, 2019 @ 10:58 pm

    Comment 49 I promise I thought that said 236

  4. Deku & Asta
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:00 pm

    This just shows shigarakis growth cause as of now he is probably (not including all for one) the strongest as of right now and even the doctor asked why would you want more power. Shigaraki ain’t gonna take chances and he’s not gonna underestimate the heros, he’s gonna get all the power he can get his hands on then destroy the society all in one go and you know what I’m hella routing for him GO SHIGARAKI

  5. Kami Tenchi
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:04 pm

    I will be sharing your videos. U deserve more views.

  6. Peter Golob
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:05 pm

    Is it just me or does Dabi beign the one that says they haven’t goten stronger makes no sense or Dabi.

  7. A Poindexter
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:06 pm

    Where do you record your videos ?

  8. Karlos1234ify
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:07 pm

    There’s going to be a lot of people and characters dying.

  9. yeayared
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:08 pm

    Toga got a little bit of Izuku’s blood from the Camp arc, maybe The Doctor’s figured out how to synthesize One for All from the sample or possibly extract it.

  10. A Ugly Blue Thing
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:09 pm

    I honestly don’t think it’s ofa I think it’s just a bootleg version forged by afo to pass down to shigaraki we already know afo has got quirks enhancer quirks for days in the all might fight it’s probably a combination the quirk all for one because it’s able to give quirks and an unique enhancer quirk so it’s similar but not the same as ofa that way it increases strength and can be passed down

  11. Tlungu96
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:09 pm

    Samurai 8?

  12. Luis Antony Otto
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:09 pm

    Also uraraka has new gear

  13. Nico Lobozzo
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:12 pm

    I still think all might isn’t going to die, I think right before he is about to be killed a new quirk awakens in Deku and he is going to save him, to show again how Deku is one of the only people who can change the future

  14. ASAP Papi
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:12 pm

    A war is coming, why does it feel like the final war lmao

  15. Deku & Asta
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:14 pm

    Don’t you mean all for one

  16. Hero Hunter Dabi
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:14 pm

    I love how in both One Piece and Academia a massive war will start soon.
    Also I really thought Re Destro caught on to Hawks for a second there lol

  17. Mike Rueffer
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:15 pm

    "Finally i have become a beautiful butterfly." – Shgaraki

  18. Ignasious Musashiden
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:17 pm

    Uhhh thumbnail??

  19. OG Card Tricks
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:18 pm

    Zhonnin i k this is a my hero academia vid but i had an urgent request. I’m not a patreon since I have no allowance to money and can’t donate but I have a video request for you….. I want u to make a disaster level video about what would happen if every s class hero ate a monster cell then what would their disaster level be….. Plz if u read comments and read this one plz make it

  20. cbuckets11
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:18 pm

    Is it possible that one for all is in deku’s blood? My memory might be off, but didn’t Toga get some of his blood a while back? If the Doctor is able to get one for all out of that, we are about to see the new gold standard of OP

  21. Nightmaster Vampire
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:19 pm

    Zhoniin I hope you will consider making a video on Alex Mercer in OPM universe.Alex ofcourse being a monster,each time he absorbs somebody he gains their powers and he heals himself.Some interesting feats are:threw a 80 ton tank like a softball,runs at 117 m/s but can dodge helicopter bullets with mid diff.Durabilty is him getting shot in the face with granade luncher and he only stumbles backwards a little with littel to no dmg,doesnt even react when he gets shot or stabbed.Not to even mention his shapeshift powers.

  22. Arnold
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:21 pm

    Ik we all forgot about this but BEST JEANIST. His death may have just been discovered so this might be why All Might was in a black suit nd staring at the ground like someone in mourning. THIS MAKES SENSE

  23. Jorboku greatheaven2
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:21 pm

    Shigaraki is about to rip hero association to new hole

  24. Essrayle Herfollia
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:21 pm

    Hey look, more backings for my genetic modification theory from last time, fun fun. Really liking that they are following this direction.

    The surgery is, as I said, likely the direct result of all the Nomu research, as I theorize that with all this memory and hardware/software talk, Ujiko has arrived at the conclusion that this is what happens to people who become nomu- their software exceeded memory capacity, and thus pretty much "cannibalized" their rationality, their very minds. They are essentially hardware without a complete CPU any more, they’re broken husks without ability to function by themselves. High ends were the next step, hardware with minimal damage internally. So the culmination of this all is super-evolved hardware that can seamlessly process the extreme data in Ultra Definition, so Shigaraki is essentially going to be made Human 2.0 here.
    With an advanced body, he probably will posses abilities to even "simplify" the "data" to read smoother, thus actually compressing it enough to make more space for more data.

  25. Connor Wood
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:22 pm

    – Is it bad that I’m rooting for Shigi?
    – More red flags keep popping up for Hawks the more chapters past
    – I hope the fact that there a heroes working with the LA and LOV actually has an impact. It was something just kinda glossed over the previous arc
    – Hope to see more of Jirou and Shoji under Gang Orca’s internships
    – Don’t want to be that guy, but did Momo gain a cup size?

  26. juan esteban mañosca
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:23 pm

    Do you think Shigaraki will end up looking a bit like 9 from heroes rising ?

  27. kaledov
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:24 pm

    I don’t think those cherry blossoms are coming.

  28. Sanyam Tomar
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:28 pm

    Sir why have you stopped covering Samurai 8 Manga.

  29. Luis Antony Otto
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:31 pm

    This chapter was just plain awesome. I love your content.

  30. Robert Larsson
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:31 pm

    Thumb up for your Out-Off-Japan idea 😀

  31. Danit Gal
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:31 pm

    you wrote 236…

  32. david moua
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:32 pm

    Plot twist all for one kept his brothers body

  33. AztecRAVEWave
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:33 pm

    About one for all. Mabey cause of Togas recent quirk evolution, she may have a tiny bit of Dekus blood left and they may use her to transfer it. Assuming he will actually get it.

  34. Olboync24
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:33 pm

    We should start a GO FUND ME for ONE to get OPM S3 back over to MADHOUSE !and im patient, its a must that ie….Garou vs Saitama/Executives vs S Class be done right and handled with care ! Yes i know this is a MHA vid they’re obviously in good hands!(Bones)

  35. David Gray
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:34 pm

    I think most of the pro’s are going to get maimed or killed by the Paranormal Action Front, and the students will need to rise up and get stronger

  36. Enrico Liou
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:35 pm

    btw Ojiro and Sugar guys hero is a character from Horikoshi previous work Oumagadoki zoo~
    The characters called Shishido I like to call him diet Bakugo

  37. Captain Crunch
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:38 pm

    I’ve always said that the heroes will lose and will be forced to split up and grow underground with the strongest heroes becoming the pillars of society. I don’t even think the story will stay in Japan the whole time and a lot of the heroes will have to retreat to other countries to gather more forces while Japan gets over ran and the villain Mecca of the world, attracting even more villains there to fight off the influx of heroes from around the world to fight them. Then, the main cast comes together later on while they all power up pretty close in strength. It’s been foreshadowed for a long time that one person severely stronger than the rest wont work ever again after All Might, so I think people like Deku, Mirio (if he gets his powers back), Suneater, Inasa, Todoroki, Bakugo, Tokoyami, Ochaco (can be OP and is the main love interest so has to be pretty high), etc will fill in as leaders of their respective groups. So much potential for this series.

  38. Malik Shifferaw
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:38 pm

    Good review, but the thumbnail says 236

  39. Kami Tenchi
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:38 pm

    *What if Saitama and Tatsumaki fell in love?*

  40. OverlyCaffeinated Squirrel
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:41 pm

    Maybe the goal is to steal Shigaraki’s body

  41. FigRodeo
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:43 pm

    The doctor mentions quirk singularity and how by the 4th generation quirks were gettin stronger and more ambiguous. Deku would be a 5th generation user assuming he was not born quirkless. Remember the doctor asked Inko how many generations she was, so he could’ve been scouting out Deku’s quirk potential.

  42. Marrf man
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:48 pm

    Shigaraki will never get deku’s power

  43. Keith Mason
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:49 pm

    I think why All Might was sad is because Kurogiri probably spills the beans about Shigaraki past. I dunno just a theory.

  44. El Hermano. Jiren’s older and smarter brother.
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:49 pm

    Shigaraki’s boutta be asking people if they believe in gravity soon

  45. Sergio
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:49 pm

    Is seriously nobody talking about surprisingly amazing paring of Kaminari Denki and Kamui Woods!?

    I always took Kaminari’s quirk as one of the strongest in the U.A. and with Kamui’s amazing isolative powers we might finally see Kaminari do something amazing.

    I am kinda angry that everybody tells Deku to not use 100% of his power, but nobody tells that to Kaminari. It is a school, after all, we had enough of special treatment for our MC.

  46. ASAP Papi
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:49 pm

    Your Japan getting taken over is a theory of mine. It would be a great way to introduce new characters and give the villains a great boost at the same time

  47. Paul Gernah
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:51 pm

    Ujiko says he can steal One for All, if he wants….at least that’s what I understood

  48. wiltcher94
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:52 pm

    Kidnap deku, he dies unless allmight gives over power. Then all might dies instead

  49. Marrf man
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:53 pm

    Comment 50 you don’t think All for one has a brain switching quirk anyone?

  50. Cody Essex
    October 23, 2019 @ 11:53 pm

    Is shigaraki has on of nanas hands, maybe all for one got to nana and did something to steal one for all back when all might last seen her. Last we seen her she was giving toshinori a thumbs up… something dark may have happened to her after that.